What is a Trust?
Oversee your property and legacy by creating a trust.
A trust is a legal arrangement created to achieve specific goals during life or at death. Trusts can be established for a variety of purposes, including estate planning, asset protection, and charitable giving. They can also be used to manage assets for individuals who may be unable to manage their own affairs due to age, disability, or other reasons.
- Avoiding probate
- Gifting to charities or family members
- Transferring assets in life and death
- Protecting assets from in-laws, creditors, and predators
- Reducing or avoiding estate or income tax
- Creating a legacy
- Providing for spouses or family members with special needs
A trust is created by executing a trust agreement which includes several key roles. A “grantor” transfers assets such as property, investments, or cash to the trust. The trust is managed by a “trustee” for the benefit of one or more “beneficaries”. The trustee has a fiduciary duty to manage assets in the trust and distribute them according to the terms of the trust agreement.
is the settlor or trustor who creates the trust
holds the trust assets, administers the trust, and makes decisions in the best interest of the beneficiary
is someone who benefits from the trust